Dear Member,
The Dorset Parent Carer Council steering group would like to thank everyone who shared their experience of education, health and care services during the Local Area Revisit 11th -13th February.
The inspection team from Ofsted & the Care Quality Commission received over 440 responses to their parent survey which is an amazing number and met with more than 85 parent carers at the ‘open meeting’ on Tuesday evening.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who responded to the DPCC survey which was carried out prior to the SEND Local Area Revisit being announced. It was great to have this information to share with the inspection team before they arrived. (see attached).
In addition to all of this, and as defined by the Ofsted Revisit guidance, representatives from the DPCC Steering Group met with Inspection team at a Focus Group meeting to discuss the impact of the local area’s Written Statement of Action on children, young people and their families.
DPCC are truly grateful for your continued support and together we will keep on working to improve the lives of children & young people with special educational needs or disability in Dorset.
Outcome of Revisit The Local Area leaders received feedback from Inspectors on the final day (13th February). The official Revisit Outcome letter will be published in 33 working days (around 1st April). It will include details about whether the local area has made sufficient progress to improve each of the 4 serious weaknesses identified at the initial inspection. Until then details of the feedback cannot be shared more widely.
Best Wishes
Dorset Parent Carer Council Steering Group