We appreciate that these are difficult, challenging and anxious times for many and most certainly for parent carers of children and young people with SEND. The DPCC will continue to do it all it can to provide information and support, while following official guidance from the UK Government and Public Health England.
DPCC remain in close contact with Dorset Council and Dorset Clinical Commisioning Group and are taking part in a regular conference calls so we are able share with both organisations issues relating to the SEND community living in Dorset.
We are receiving a significant amount of information and updates from a variety of sources, both locally and nationally, and we are doing our best to share this by updating our Facebook pages as often as we can – this is where you can find us,
The SEND Support Room Dorset Parent Carer Council (private group) OR https://www.facebook.com/DorsetParentCarerCouncil (public page). You can also contact us by email or by telephone 07827 793244.
If you are not already a member please do join us as we will emailing regular updates and information to members. http://www.dorsetparentcarercouncil.co.uk/information
We are particularly aware of the impact of ‘social isolation’ and are currently working on ways for parent carers to ‘meet up’ through an online ‘coffee morning’ something we will facilitate which will provide an opportunity for parent carers to just chat and offer support to each.
NHS England have provided information on the symptoms and advice on how to look after yourself and your loved ones. You can access this here.
You can also find the latest government information here.
We will continue to keep you updated as best we can.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Please take care.